Ed Needs SEO Too.

He changes SEO agencies more than the Vegas Golden Knights change goalies which is a tough strategy in the Personal Injury search space. It is ungodly competitive and the best SEO teams in the country get paid a lot to work there.

Why is it so competitive? Accident Attorney as a keyword costs $138 per click!

But it’s worth it! The average Personal Injury payout is in excess of $25,000 to the attorney.

Here’s what we did for Ed back in 2018 – 2019.

Gains Like These Are Not Easy

74% Gains in Organic Traffic

Legal search results pages are highly contested and many top-level digital marketing teams are actively working in that space.

Our client posted 74% gains year over year in Google organic traffic searches for personal injury related keywords. These are keywords that mattered most.

71.5% Increase In Organic Traffic Helps Everyone!

1 Year Later

Google Organic traffic has gone from second place to first.
Google Organic is Delivering 1,600 people vs. 960 the year before.

This is a 71% Increase.


How Do You Achieve Top Rankings For Personal Injury Lawyers?

We immediately started a highly customized strategy based upon state of the art research.

We corrected technical issues and sped up the site dramatically to meet AMP standards and recently amplified Google Mobile First preferences. We also cleaned up the conversion funnel, content, and overall user experience. We then added more pertinent content and began pressing ranking upward in semantic and long tail keyword terms.

In our research we noticed too many “wrong” keywords fogging search visibility. We corrected those factors and at the same time used it to our client’s advantage. The result was and continues to be consistent growth in ranking across better converting keywords. The changes made to site flow. Mobile speed and usability improved conversions as well.

How Our SEO is Different

Conversion First Principles drive our SEO efforts. Increasing traffic to your site is one thing but getting the right traffic to convert is the primary goal.

Every SEO client requires a custom strategy – especially YOU. Your needs are not the same as Ed’s.

  • We audit your digital footprint, your market, your customer’s search strategies, and your competitors
  • We strategize short term and long term improvements to your site that
    • Fix broken stuff
    • Increase conversion
    • Fill in gaps in strategy and execution
    • Create gains in your domain authority
  • We deliver a custom strategy with defined milestones so you can follow along
  • Pick team members who fit best with your projects
  • Go to work doing all of the above
  • Use data to drive the strategy month over month and year over year

We find shortcuts and better ways of doing things. We try to shorten the ranking growth curve as much as possible. SEO is not fast but we try to deliver a payoff to you as soon as possible.

While we focus on Google we look for every opportunity to grow your traffic, including Bing, Youtube, maps, and social search.